Monday, November 30, 2009

the rich are just like you and me

on thanksgiving, a man of mixed ethnicity and his pretty blonde wife had a big fight because she thinks he be running around on her with a ho. she scratched at his face and no doubt was screaming like a krazee lady. he's a lot bigger. in hysteria she grabbed a totem meaningful to him and started swinging.

he decided to get away from his wife-now-insane-biatch and jumped in his car. she kept whirling and knocked the windows out.

it was late. he'd already taken some painkillers for bedtime. he crashed his car into a fire hydrant and then a tree.

so like plenty of poors on thanksgiving, their richy-rich house was full of emotional firestorms, recriminations, tears and violence.

they both insist nothing happened and are not talking to the cops or the media. see? just like you and me. "my wife didn't assault me, she was a hero and saved me from a non-dangerous car wreck, where i was woozy, not from the impact, but from pills! none of your beeswax where i was going, zonked on meds, at 2:30 in the morning."

the not rich person in the story? the ho in question? has hired professional harridan gloria alred as her attorney. yup, nothing to hide on her end except the whoring for media deals right now. see? not like you and me.

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