Thursday, February 11, 2010

everybody panic!


before a flake had fallen, schools were closed, flights canceled and parking bans enacted. the entire district where i work was closed by massport, leading many of the major employers in the area to shut for the day.

i checked the weather before bed and expected to awake to a winter wonderland. nothin'. as a good little new england noodle, i went home to get on my blizzard gear, most the courtesy of ll bean. the practical and frugal folks who made those boots i have had since college and my ski coat which will never see a lift or lodge, but i'd be really warm if ever thrown down the matterhorn. gloves, scarf, layered sweaters, hat, etc. i was roasting on my way to work, but the snow had started so i felt ready.

by lunch, it was doing nothing. no wet from the sky. city streets empty. nonsense.

by rush hour, it did look possible to achieve actual blizzardiness, with that knife-like wind and hard pellets of ice stinging my face. per usual, the blue line was fucked so 10,000 people were sardine-canned into each car to get under the water over here to eastie. my station was closed with a power-outage, so i trudged home the longer way. frankly, i kind of like that raw in small doses. as an urbanite, i'm not out in nature much and appreciate the reminder of its ferocity.

the whip and whistle of very hard snow and determined wind sent me off to dreamland and again expected mountains of white in the dawn. i laughed out loud because i can see grass the ground-cover of snow is so meager.

the major bollocks of that blizzard of 2007, when the entire commonwealth hit the road at the exact same time and caused utter marathon gridlock remains fresh in everybody's minds, fer sure. but this chicken-little shit is beyond the pale. it's new england. it gets cold. it fucking snows. put on your big-girl pants or move to nevada.

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