Wednesday, September 16, 2009

more proof men rule the world

in 8 states, it is legal for insurance companies to refuse coverage to women who have ever been victims of domestic abuse. statistically they are likely to suffer the same again, so ipso facto, are a bad and unacceptable risk.

i stumbled across this doozy today over at huffpo.

in 1994, then-rep. charles schumer (d-ny), now a a senator, had his staff survey 16 insurance companies. eight would not write health, life or disability policies for women who have been abused. in 1995, the boston globe found that nationwide, allstate, state farm, aetna, metropolitan life, the equitable companies, first colony life, the prudential and the principal financial group had all either canceled or denied coverage to women who'd been beaten. "you're in good hands," indeed.

in 2006, democrats tried to end the practice. sen. patty murray (d-wash.), introduced an amendment that split the health education labor & pensions committee 10-10. the measure failed via the tie. all 10 no votes were republicans, including sen. mike enzi (r-wyoming), a member of the "gang of six" on the finance committee who are currently hashing out a bipartisan bill.

at the time, enzi defended his vote by saying that such regulations could increase the price of insurance and make it out of reach for more people. "if you have no insurance, it doesn't matter what services are mandated by the state."

if your husband beats your face in, it will be your fault that granny's lipitor co-pay costs more. if your husband beats your face in, you should know enough to get out beforehand. if your husband beats your face in, you must have deserved it. if not now, for something you'll probably do. eventually.

explain to me, again, slowly, why universal health care is a horrible concept? why private industry should be trusted with the decisions regarding the health and well-being of our most vulnerable citizens? why actuaries and pencil-pushers decide who warrants what treatments?

puts a whole new spin on how to answer that emergency room intake question: "do you live in a safe environment, dear?"

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