Thursday, July 13, 2006


the song dream happened and the cloven hoofed piper
played in that holy ground where they felt the awe and wonder
and they all were unafraid of the great god pan

and the wind in the willows and the piper at the gates of dawn
the wind in the willows and the piper at the gates of dawn

when the vision vanished they heard a choir of birds singing
in the heavenly silence between the trance and the reeds
and they stood upon the lawn and listened to the silence

of the wind in the willows and the piper at the gates of dawn...

~~van morrison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G'day, Morris here again from 'The Greatest Blog Experiment,' I've added your blog under 'personal blogs.' Please add my link asap, its very easy to do... visit my blog and click on the link, "how to edit your link list" in the sidebar on the right at the top. If you're still having problems, drop me a comment at the blog and i'll try help you out some more.

