Saturday, June 05, 2010

women running at the mouth

previous posts have ranted about wives trash-talking their husbands when out with "the girls". it makes all the cosmo-sippers giggle and guffaw and they go home tipsy and vindicated, i guess, having proven to the coven what utter clods the spouses are. how does he manage to get his shoes on in the proper left-right combo and get a paycheck each week? will wonders never cease?

my staff at work includes two couples, both of whom are engaged. (there was a third, but they now are in the throes of a divorce due to brazilian vacation shenanigans on his end, i hear.) recently, and more than once from each the women, there has been soapboxing about what idiots the guys are. planning a big house party, why is c. cleaning the junk room before the bathroom? how dumb is that? why is b. playing the tv so loud and giving the niece crackers when she cries? how dumb is that?

other females, both single and with somebody's, circle around and laff and laff. oh, those impossible menz!

the tirades are all too full of triteness for further repeat and i am sure you get the drift. here's what gets me. we KNOW these guys. see and interact with them several times a week and have informed opinions about dumb or smart they might actually be. your future wife thinks you are an idiot because you are not doing anything "her way". i won't know any of you in a few years, but would like to, only to see how long it truly takes to have your souls completely crushed.
good luck to you, hubs.

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