Saturday, October 10, 2009

not just kids

a few weeks ago, i discussed a poll of high school kids and my subsequent disgust at their ignorance of basic american history. "no child left behind", indeed.

around that same time, i just couldn't bring myself to write about the whole "birther" nonsense that was swirling around the blogosphere and from the shouting heads on fox news. laugh about it with my friends, sure, and take satisfaction in knowing nobody i know is a real amurrican.

today i stumbled belatedly upon this poll of peeps that gave me yet another face-palm moment, tyvm republicans.

24% know he is absolutely is NOT a real amurrican and 14% were unsure.

10% of the country thinks he was born in indonesia, 7% think he was born in kenya, and 1% think he was born in the philippines.

we are left with 20%.

that does include a portion who do know that obama actually was born in hawaii, however 6% of those people think hawaii is not part of the united states and 4% are unsure. yup, 10% of 'em don't know hawaii is "one of us".

and i suppose just to be funny, the pollsters asked the remaining hold-outs if they though obama might be french, lol. 2/3rds of that 20% were "not sure", but he might be.

62% of the birthers identified as republicans
86% are white.

nope. ain't about race, right?

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