Sunday, October 04, 2009

dumb food

this is an actual product and i saw it for the first time today in a big display cooler at the market. different flavors all filled with buzzy ingredients without which we absolutely will die if we don't get them in a fruity beverage. ginseng, green tea, guarana, pomegranate and acai just to name a few. potassium too so you can skip your steak or your banana.

it's also full of splenda.

now, you're saying, what pisses you off about this, noodle? water is SKINNY. no calories and drinking lots of it keeps you healthy. there is no science supporting ANY of these ingredients, separate or combined, being dissolved in 21st century kool-aid will help you lose weight. however, there is science proving that a diet high in artificial sweeteners does make you crave more sugar. which will make you FAT.

i thought the special k protein water was bad enough (yeah, cuz americans just don'e eat enough meat!) but this is really the shizz. i'm sure there are women who drink it by the gallon. i wonder if they've yet inked a deal for placement in places ladies' gyms like curves?

which is worse? that a product this stoopid is marketed to women or that women are stoopid enough to buy it?

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