Friday, October 02, 2009

naked at school

do we ever stop having some version of this nightmare? does lance armstrong wake up in a cold sweat having seen himself up on the podium sans cuissard? does madonna gasp in the deep dark thinking she is just too old and the toy she wants to bang says, "uh, no thanks, k, granny"?

before yesterday's interview i dreamt i was at the place and had gone through the paces, i just needed to take a written and timed test. there was mad activity everywhere, like there always is in a busy restaurant and no place quiet to sit. hordes of people, whom i of course did not know, kept badgering me with questions i couldn't answer. i begged to be left alone -- "the test, the test, i'm trying to finish the test, please" -- and that person would go only to be replaced by another in a few seconds. i didn't finish the exam and was met with an acid glare from my potential boss when i woke up barely breathing. i was drained from my brain being in that chaos.

all morning and all the way there, i was jumpy and weirdly nervous. the woman was very down-to-earth and easy to talk to, with lots of dropped hints that she is much like me being over 40, single, living here over the harbor and being a lifer in the industry. it went very well and i will get a call-back, lol.

i just can't help but wonder if this is more of the "i'm a fucking phony" complex that seeps from my subconscious now and again or if everybody from queen elizabeth to justin timberlake sometimes wakes up all freaked out too.

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