Sunday, June 14, 2009

more dumb whores

coming across this from relentlessly twittering dumbass meghan mccain, i was going to take a pass. but with this cited in krazee-close proximity, i just couldn't.

mccain is whinging about double-standards and liberal media bias. boo-hoo. how letterman would never make a rotten joke about a dem female, well, cuz we all know he's a lefty kid-raping nyc pervert. how sad she was about how the media treated her mother and palin during the campaign and are just such a big passel of pinko meanies.

she seems to forget (or happily ignorant) that comedy is a free-for-all and public figures are fair game.

she might be repressing the time her father called his wife
a trollop and a cunt, in front of his full campaign bus.

or her father remarking that chelsea clinton was such a dog because janet reno was really her other parent.

or perhaps she doesn't remember limbaugh's "jokes" about chelsea clinton being the white house dog. that for months every time he had a story about the first daughter, he began it with a sound clip of a pack of barking dogs.

she must not have heard this charmer from g. gordon liddy (yeah, the watergate crook, who now has a radio show syndicated in 160+ markets) about supreme court nominee sotomayer: "let’s hope that the key conferences aren’t when she’s menstruating or something, or just before she’s going to menstruate. that would really be bad. lord knows what we would get then."

so in case republican misogyny isn't sufficiently apparent, we'll toss racism on the fire:

a gorilla escaped from a zoo in south carolina. on his facebook page, long-time republican activist, and aide to the state's attorney general, rusty depass wrote: "i'm sure it's just one of michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."depass told a local news outlet he was talking about the president's wife, first lady, michelle obama.

for equal opportunity hate, we've got anne coulter describing democratic delegates as: " corn-fed, no make-up, natural fibre, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons”. and if mccain is truly amnesiac, she must completely forget when ultra con laura ingraham basically called mccain "fat".

i'm not quite sure which confounds me more: that mccain and palin and their buddies continue to natter on and link a 14-year-old girl to a joke that wasn't about her, but now is, stretching it into all kinds of wacky taffy about old perverts and little girls and self-esteem and statutory rape, or that they seem to be willfully ignoring the context of the joke to get air-time. because... can they really be THAT stoopid so as to not get it?


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