Friday, February 29, 2008


he took me where i wanted to go, and was nice about it.

i bit the bullet and stayed late at work for a bunch of reasons.

due to the tunnel and the airport, there are massive fees for taxis who come over here to return. most riders go to a terminal. i go to a condo. although i am sympathetic and willing to compromise, *legally* i cannot be charged any of those extra goodies, yet have had gajillions of late-night fights with drivers who a) refuse to let me in the cab; b) insist i pay the extra $7 in fees (yeah, not so much trouble in the global picture, but try that on relative poverty wages several times a week); c) call me stupid, ignorant and a thief. yeah. for real. all that and more. just what you want to hear in a thick accent after a night of getting your ass kicked.

this guy said, "OK!" when he heard my destination. he wasn't yammering into a cellphone, smoking out the window or ignoring my directions the whole trip. in fact, he didn't need directions. we got here and he charged me the meter, no extra bogus massport shit. so, unlike all the other small-minded bigots who haggle my nerves, he got all the extra. and i was happy to give it to him.

nothing beats coming home on a note of nice. ya know?

christallmighty -- path of least resistance. yup.

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