the exam is tomorrow.
the international pass rate is 25%. 25%. the last group had a gimme for the tasting portion, and frankly even if tossed a monkey wrench, i feel confident about that bit, which is 50% of the mark. i find myself thinking that with so many non-professionals taking the course, that MUST drag down the pass rate considerably. i take for granted how many 1000s of wines i've tasted, and the knowledge i've gained by meeting and dining and drinking with 100s of winemakers and vineyard owners. meanwhile so many of my classmates were still struggling with identifying high acid in a wine. oof.
i'm just back from taking a walk. i'll peruse the books again, but not break my head open. i know i know this stuff.
it will be nice to be done with this phase and on break a few weeks. read something other than coursework. start posting here again. the frayed emotional threads have been all tightly wound in a big gordian knot in the back room of my brain for weeks.
feh. mixed blessing that.
in 24 hours i'll crack open that vintage veuve i've been saving. the one that tastes like toasted almonds and shitaake mushrooms. and cream. and celebrate taking control of this very big thing this year.
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