Saturday, August 30, 2008

that girl

more republican pandering and offense.

palin is supposed to attract the disgruntled hilary supporters? other than common plumbing, what have these 2 women in common? can the media truly be THAT disingenuous??

we'll skip all the crap about her flip-flop on the "bridge to nowhere" and her effortless from-where-the-hell victory over hated and notoriously corrupt old hacks in her into-the-wild home-state. for now, we'll take a pass on the ethics scandal involving her pointy elbows and sharp pencils trying to get her ex-brother-in-law state-trooper canned. her youth, her visual appeal, her *feistiness* (um, gidget as 2nd in command?) her *first-
dude* of a husband who is also a champion snow-mobiler. is there another female governor that can gut a fish in a trice? hell, this one can probably flay a bear in minutes just to bolster her anti-protection stance.

isn't the dirty lil secret that she is supposed to secure the ultra-cons who were not pledging to mccain and the evangelical bloc? she's in bed with big oil and gas, anti-gay, pro-gun, anti-conservation and favors creationism in the public school curriculum. she is anti-abortion.

james dobson of "focus on the family" announced earlier this year that he wouldn't and couldn't vote for McCain. today he pronounced himself converted, thanks to a ticket that now includes someone for whom "the sanctity of life" isn't just a political position.

palin has a 5-month old son with down syndrome. as an older mother, she took the test and decided to continue the pregnancy and have her son. "a blessing..." blah, blah, blah.

amazing that my head remained attached to my neck when i found this in a response thread in a ny times blog: (proves how dubious science is, i guess...)

"I’m a pro-choice Democrat, and it appalls me that 90+% of women who receive the diagnosis of Trisomy 21 “choose” to abort. This means that either (a) only liberal democratic women get pregnant with fetuses with Down syndrome, or (b) there are an awful lot of hypocritical Republican women out there."

please don't get me wrong, i laud palin for staying true to her core belief here.
i do remain disgusted that such a private decision should be made part of her public and political persona. further, she was allowed to make a choice, something she wants to deny all other women, many of whom clearly share most of her politics. perhaps they don't have her access to nannies and such? her husband has 2 jobs plus a demanding hobby. she is a governor who will be stumping hard the next 2 months to win the white house. they have 5 children. who's tending the baby?

a "heartbeat away from the presidency" holds brand new meaning here with a very old dude whose ticker and health are so much in doubt. he's got almost 30 years on this lady! if mccain drops during an inaugural ball dance, how's palin gonna respond 6 months later to putin going all kruschev and pounding his shoe about ossetia? the cons have been trying to paint obama as inexperienced. what the hell does that make palin?

on some nattering head show, pat robertson (why is that loathsome reptile still sliming around with any say-so?) referred to palin more than once as "that gal". rush limbaugh (that big fat idiot) called her a "babe". are you for real? after the months of misogynistic horse-whipping of hilary, these guys turn the condescension onto one of their own? gaaah.
i hope she can take dictation and type. maybe she can help mccain "make a google", as he still puts it.

lastly, ya gotta wonder: is hillary laughing so hard she wets herself, or beating some illegal maid with wire hangers right about now?

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