Sunday, December 21, 2008

this isn't really news...

except that it involves a mom in wasilla. not THAT mom, but the mom of the kid who knocked up the daughter of THAT mom, so there is a bit of rubbernecking and epicaricacy.

the mother of bristol palin's baby-daddy is facing 6 felony counts for selling oxycontin. she's bucking convention since wasilla is known for cooking meth, but won't she make a fine granny?

this is a sad and not funny story of flat broke, bored trashy people in a miserable morass of a crap-hole town using and selling drugs to briefly escape the dull pain of their shitty lives, and it would not be news that the mother of a high school dropout who's marrying some idiot girl he impregnated was arrested for using drugs except that at some point we were all instructed to respect these folks as Real Americans. actually, the republicans were sort of right, these people are the truth of america's small towns, and that is why as a whole we decided to elect the smart, educated, well-off urbanite aspirational black couple from Chicago instead of the angry vietnam veteran and the scary PTA pageant creationist with the fucked-up trashy family.

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