Sunday, September 14, 2008

church and state are no longer separate here

a tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious.


i have gone on here about bush's terrifying world view that armageddon will make everything alright. he trammels the constitution and sovereignty of nations, yadda yadda. now we've got his demon redux in an up-do. palin believes god wants a pipeline and that invading iraq was part of *his plan". her young unwed pregnant daughter is following god's will.

my own faith (or lack thereof) in god aside, i am sick to death of people speaking for him. their hubris in claiming he speaks TO THEM. directly to them. ffs!!! if he's all that, isn't he kinda busy???


where would jesus drill?

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