Monday, July 21, 2008

just business

nothing personal.

between officially accepting my new job and giving notice to my employer in person was an annoying few days. i watched others going through the motions of their final shifts and listened to one of the chefs talk about being one interview away from jumping ship. i kept mum.

he thought we were meeting to test more drinks. (no more recipes for you! drink nazi in high gear.) i handed him the paper and he was visibly shocked. truly. (you thought i was happy here? now that's shocking. ) he asked the 2 most perfunctory of questions and indicated they'd be cutting me loose before the 2 weeks was up -- which i figured and hoped. remains to be seen how much money he'll try screwing me out of come next payday.

i had 2 last days, one in each store. lots of hugs and well wishes. there are some people there i do like. not enough to cocktail with in the future, but nice enough, ya know. i lost track of how many came to me privately and admitted loathing the place. why on earth do you feel so stuck? why do you fear change? the money is really not good enough, not for servers, not for the bar, never mind the slave wages paid to managers. on the real last day, his wife was in our office working on a big computer project for the new location, so she was on-premise for several hours. we have always gotten on quite well and she's very much the good cop to her husband's bad. she came and left via the back door and never said "boo" to me. he did not wish me good luck, nor did any of the other partners. not one of my salespeople expressed surprise.

i have never worked in a place where rumor and conjecture, the words of petty cats (that backstabbing trailer whore) and a willingness to throw others under the bus was such corporate m.o. my sense of discretion and personal responsibility was clearly misplaced and only served to shine a bad light in the eyes of the owner.
how many times did he admit leaving my ass to hang in the wind? he once told me he likes to think of everybody as a family, not a company. modeled on whom? the borgias? jeebus.

handing over my keys and walking out into the warm july twilight, i was surprised by my lack of relief. granted, that proves little more than how emotionally disengaged i've been and for how long.

over a week to myself. time with the owner and friends, and to catch up on some culture vulture stuff i've missed. not wearing rcg's about the new gig, but am looking forward very much to a return to ultra-fine dining, incentives and being busy. my commute is killer short and they already perceive me as "added value" through my sommelier skills. (the cfo's words, not mine.)

fresh start. it feels good. yeah for me.

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