Friday, December 26, 2008

can't make this stuff up

“the bush administration took a lot of pride that homeownership had reached historic highs, but what we forgot in the process was that it has to be done in the context of people being able to afford their house. we now realize there was a high cost.”
~~former treasury secretary john w. snow being quoted in the ny times.

from 2003 - 2006, snow served as the 73rd secretary of the u.s. treasury. before that appointment he worked in the reagan white house, having earned a ph.d. in economics from the university of virginia. currently he's serving as chairman of cerberus capital management, which among other things, owns 80% of chrysler.

Monday, December 22, 2008

on a wire

saturday i went to see the documentary, "man on wire," about the frenchman who toddled between the twin towers in 1974. a supernaturally focused funambule, he has also crossed the sydney harbor bridge and the louisiana superdome. the world trade center caper took 6 years to execute. he spent 45 minutes in the air, back and forth about 8 times, and because all of it was so illegal, no press was summoned. there is no video, but there are photos of him 1/4 mile up in the air. there were moments when he simply laid down on the wire, surrounded by the morning.

when he at last felt finished, and fell into the impatient "octopus of arms" of pissed-off nyc cops, he was accosted by reporters and gawkers. what fascinated him then, and now in hindsight, is how the most asked question was "why did you do it?" he felt it a peculiarly american inquiry, and wasn't so banal as mallory to say "because it's there." all along, much of what thrilled him was the scheming. he watched old tommy gun/bank job movies for mind-set, lol, and spent hours criss-crossing a cable in his yard. to mimic the wind potential, his friends would yank with all their might to sway the wire he walked. he never once fell. yet he always knew that any step he took that august day could be the one to his death.

there are times in life when "why?" is a question with a simple answer. "because it's the right thing to do." however, when the query is posed in view of behavior with a negative or unpleasant impact our internal dialogue can get thorny and unpleasant. when a pattern emerges, that unresolved conflict grows like a painful cyst. my thick head can only go under so many times while i try to swim through the waves too strong. there is the fear of facing it, and deeper still, the fear of admission with the subsequent failure of self-management. which brings judgement. i am then terrified of the disappointment... the closing of the door.

and yet? i know quite well my behavior in all its feebleness is a response, not an instigation. and yet? a year later, i continue to display my insanity and weakness and keep walking into that same pointy stick over and over and over and never say "ouch" out loud. i drown the pain with an ocean and can't look for a raft. past training has taught me there was nobody around with a paddle. this is not solely talk of the owner, but my family too. there may have been some in my life to whom i could have reached out, but i was, am, always too afraid. the loathing is now so deep, i'd rather waterboard myself before somebody else gets to it -- just leave me in the drift and be done with it.

this morning, talk of emotional water wings in my near future. maybe i am not alone.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

this isn't really news...

except that it involves a mom in wasilla. not THAT mom, but the mom of the kid who knocked up the daughter of THAT mom, so there is a bit of rubbernecking and epicaricacy.

the mother of bristol palin's baby-daddy is facing 6 felony counts for selling oxycontin. she's bucking convention since wasilla is known for cooking meth, but won't she make a fine granny?

this is a sad and not funny story of flat broke, bored trashy people in a miserable morass of a crap-hole town using and selling drugs to briefly escape the dull pain of their shitty lives, and it would not be news that the mother of a high school dropout who's marrying some idiot girl he impregnated was arrested for using drugs except that at some point we were all instructed to respect these folks as Real Americans. actually, the republicans were sort of right, these people are the truth of america's small towns, and that is why as a whole we decided to elect the smart, educated, well-off urbanite aspirational black couple from Chicago instead of the angry vietnam veteran and the scary PTA pageant creationist with the fucked-up trashy family.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

'tis the season

gather round, boys and girls, for a troika of stories 'bout the holidays in the hood.

walking from the "t" last night, i heard them long before i could see them. f-bombs and the c-word ringing in the cold air. approaching the now-notorious bar where a girl-fight resulted in some cheek being bitten and spat to the ground, the guy was kicking the driver's side door. she was screaming. people were looking. bar patrons standing in the open door, watching. a friend came over, but quickly dodged away. don't know what the chick behind the wheel said, but her "boyfriend" then threatened to "punch her in the neck". new one, to me anyway. unless she had just had a tracheotomy or recent stitches to a knife wound, then i could see the threat.

kept walking and two short blocks away the street was jam-packed, cordoned off and lit up like a july noon. a movie crew at the police station. fake news vans all over, real and costumed cops drinking coffee. never mind the white trash domestic violence banging around the corner and still within earshot, k?

then around in the square. n-star or some such with a ladder in a hole in the pavement. hard-hats keeping warm with coffee too. detail officer in the street. also in the street, a barefoot woman slurring at the cop. she was laughing too, but he kept having to grab her so she wouldn't just collapse. legs of rubber and arms grabbing at the air, i have no idea what she was on about, but she thought it was hilarious. n-star guys just kept staring. this was about 2 blocks from the police station, and you know the cop had a radio and all those over-timers had cell phones. somebody, anybody, get that zima-crazed broad out of the street? it was below freezing -- where the hell were her shoes? "do you want me to call somebody?" i asked. nope. duty cop said he was all set. somehow, i got the feeling he didn't feel like doing drunk tank paperwork or interrupting the movie shoot. (those union guys really hate to be interrupted.)

was santa watching? cripes.

Monday, December 15, 2008

quality of life

it's measured in countless ways by everyone, and i in no way pretend that i can comprehend the life of a haitian who lives on a few cents a day and feeds her kids patties made of dirt, salt, a little cooking oil and barely potable water. ( we made mud-pies as kids too, but always knew it wasn't what was for dinner.)

i don't have to look at my ira statements, so don't. not being anywhere near retirement's edge, i don't need it for a long time. it was a pretty small amount that i know is significantly smaller anyway, lol.

last year, i spilled a significant bit of electronic purple ink bemoaning my work. many of us spend more time there than at home or with loved ones, and that's especially true for me. not a day goes by without me feeling a tinge of gratitude for how improved that situation is now.

my commute: many times, i spent more than 4 hours a day traveling to that hated place. now it's less than 20 minutes and just one train.

my income: above industry average now, allowing me to baby-step out of debt and actually have a little mad money now and again.

my employer: not trying to cheat everybody they meet or hire, and willing to give you (me) a very long rope. yes, it's one that can choke you just as fast, but if you're competent and motivated they stay out of your hair. contrast this with the constant microscopic dissection and projection of theft, laziness and incompetence i've experienced two times over now.

my co-workers: smart, fast, funny, ambitious. contrasted with so many recent colleagues whose value was simply a warm body in the building. the owners didn't want *smart*, or new thinking. do you know how many times my last boss told me, "we don't want to re-invent the wheel here"? do you know how many times my new boss has told me, "we need to be *different* from everybody else"? or better still, "what do you think"? the slothful here self-select pretty quickly.

product value: back in high-end dining, where the staff doesn't get intimidated because somebody is spending money, and the bosses aren't trying to pinch pennies in every corner. "exceed their expectations". yes, i know, the client is paying a fortune, but give them goodies not in their contract and they swoon. the chocolate bark given in bags as a good-bye favor recently made everybody insanely happy. it probably cost us $10 for 200 people, lol.

autonomy: one of my biggest frustrations with my 2 last jobs was the ball and chain the owners shackled on me. regardless of volume, unless you were there at least 10 hours a day, they felt swindled. managers falling all over each other in virtually empty dining rooms, yet nobody was allowed to duck in the office to do other work. schedule changes or days off required acts of god. often times, it was just more trouble than it seemed worth; the request was seen as such impudent audacity it brought unimaginable ire. here? unless i have an event or meetings, i can come and go basically as i please. 9-5, 12-8, 10-4, they don't care as long as your shit is done. wow. we get treated like adults rather than incompetent chattel. what a novel concept! honestly, our office is so isolated from everybody else, they barely know if we're on-premise or not.

paid time off: it accumulates per hours worked. so all these 50- and 60-hour weeks are being banked for vacation time. i fill out a form and get paid if i don't work. that simple. my last boss wanted SIX weeks' notice for vacation. for so long i knew i was quitting anyway, i just wanted the dough to live off when i left, so i had stopped caring about that lunacy.

i don't sit on a rainbow (in fact, my chair is more like a wonky grocery cart that i'm constantly coralling back into position) and ride unicorns around my job. there is much that makes me crazed and much room for improvement. BUT -- my bosses know that and want to get there, with our help. they trust me now as competent -- i sensed the switch after an initial observation period. so many have washed out (55 people since january. 55. not counting kitchen or service!!!!), they watch and see, and don't invest until they know you can cut it. that's fine by me. it's a transient business and this is one of the toughest in which i have ever found myself.

it's not killing me, so we know what that means.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

the ridiculous can be sublime

no secret to my tiny audience and meat-friends, that i enjoy food. making it, sharing it, eating it, exploring it, discovering it. nurture v. nature, dunno, but growing up most of my family was the same. holiday tables groaned with food, and those meals lasted hours. much of the spirit was the always animated and convicted conversation, (sell it!) where table-pounding for emphasis wasn't unusual. (only at home, yo!) dinner was always together, and pre-net it wasn't unheard of to leap up and seize the "world almanac", that stone-age data go-to. it's why i hate the tv on during meals. blabbing heads on the screen? the exact opposite of meal-time: a few moments, separate from the world, to savor and share both the food and one another.

culinary school quickly led me to fine-dining employment. the talent and vision of many of the chefs for whom i worked still staggers.

some people go bowling. (so i've heard.) my friends and i go out. in a small town like this, with an incestuous industry like mine, it's nearly impossible to go unnoticed in even the most unlikely spots. but! that's part of the fun.

on a second visit in 2 weeks' time to a new place (yeah, it's that good, i CANNOT wait to go back AND i love the owners) it was the simplest detail that blew us away. the bartender brought out a basket of rustic killer bread from iggy's. beside it, a little plate with 2 types of salt, a tiny sprig of thyme and a ramekin of spread. "this is pig butter." our eyes went wide. barely tinged green in color and the texture, of, well, i guess, lard. some on my plate and bit of bread. i don't know that i've ever had something so small be so succulent. we tried it with the salts. we dipped it in the ephemeral carbonara sauce. heaven. we had to praise the owner in a "we're not worthy" moment. it was simply rendered pig fat and extra virgin olive oil. the reason i didn't get any in the first week? they hadn't cooked enough suckling pigs yet to get the "butter" ball rolling.

2 ingredients, not even a major component of a meal, and i've been talking about it for days. we went to visit another friend's place after, and i sipped my gigondas extra slowly to savor the mouthfeel of the pig butter and see how long it would linger. (long time, yeah, love you long time.) our porky euphoria made c. swear he'd make the pilgrimage the next night.

having been at this a long time, i know plenty of people would be grossed out thinking of pig fat on their bread. only because they're not making the leap of what the hell that crunchy bacon is all about on their blt.

lucky me, for me and mine, we just want more.

not to be daunted, i need to make it. it's beginning to look a lot like christmas! have you been very good, or very bad?

Monday, December 08, 2008

buy nothing day

i mentioned this last post, have been more or less living it out of necessity for awhile, but the actual composition got me noodling.

no longer am i robbing peter to pay paul each month. my salary now keeps apace and is allowing me to actually chip away at the glacier of debt incurred through various calamities over the last 2+ years. not long ago, i actually retired a dangerous one, which felt very good. that monthly sum just gets plowed elsewhere, so it's not like i went shoe-shopping to celebrate, lol.

after i wrote about bnd, i paid close attention to how many days i went without opening my wallet. except to tap my charlie card, it was 6 days. i brought my lunch to work and i never visit starbucks -- both out of huffy principle and having tea bags stashed at my workspace. i'm not a coffee drinker, and their tea just sucks. their small (or mini-grande or whatever, i have no idea what faux-label they use) is like 16 oz and it's absurdly hot. so hot as to scald their tea. and it's like $4. my nights at work were suffiicently late and bookended by an early rise, so i never went out for drinks.

first time i spent money was for groceries, and i was on a specific mission to haymarket so my weekly needs would be less than $20. $14 got me fruit and lots of greens. a fraction of what i would have spent at my ghetto shaws.

some of my co-workers make several trips a day to starbucks, dunkins, au bon pain, and the various shops around our building. part of it is likely just to get the hell out of the office, get some fresh air or have a smoke, but those nips must easily amount to $15 a day. not my place to judge, but i'm just too aware now to piddle away my paychecks like that.

i'm not pretending that the constant vigilance isn't sometimes annoying. but it was that laissez-faire attitude (plus employers who preferrred parsimony and outright cheating over a fair wage) that got me here.

but paying down that one makes me know it's not impossible.

last time the owner took me to the movies, we were behind a dad who was taking his daughter and some of her friends to a matinee. just the tickets for them, before soda, gummy bears and popcorn, added up to $54. that's a movie, drinks and dinner out afterwards for me! perspective really helps me too, lol.

so i'm treating myself on this frigid day to a movie and a drink. my conscientiousness extends to giving my money to people i know and respect, so i'll visit a place recently opened by exceedingly talented and genuinely nice people.

light at the end of the tunnel and an appreciation for what's possible.

there may be a christmas tree in my evening as well.

life is good. :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

this new economy

black friday. a search for the term's genesis points to an article in a mid-70s philadelphia newspaper, but retail sales on that day have been a tradition at least since the inception of the macy's parade in 1924. most folks have off from work, they want the hell out of the house and away from the family, and it's considered the kick-off to christmas. anecdotally, it's the day merchants cease operating "in the red". historic analysis, however, shows the sunday just before christmas is the year's biggest ka-ching day -- black friday beat it only twice.

since i was a noodle old enough to go shopping on her own, i never understood the driv
e to join that stampede. news video of the mobs always made me a little afraid. even my mother, shopper extraordinaire, shied away from the mall and we mostly hung around doing house stuff.

the press has been nattering on about the tightening of purse strings in these dark and uncertain times. in what may be one of the world's worst economic disasters ever, the inanity is truly offensive: buy less stuff! buy on sale! use coupons! from the westchester moms full of faux
humility and forgoing a new hermes bag "because it looks unseemly in these times", to downsizing or outright cancellation of holiday parties then finally through to the mom who works at wendy's and is walking 2 miles to work, to save money on gas so as to buy her daughter a winter coat for christmas. (who is falling more quickly through that non-existent safety net?)

friday on long island a wal-mart worker was trampled to death. the frantic mob had been camped out, (some for 24 hours -- perfect way to spe
nd a "family holiday") and literally "door-busted" in the early morning dark to grab that must-have. in news photos it looks like the running of the bulls. the dead worker was a temp for one of the nation's biggest and most exploitative companies, which now seems to be playing a deadly sort of retail limbo -- "how low can ya go?"

in palm desert, california, two people shot each other at a toys 'r us.

trolling the net yesterday to escape mumbai, i stumbled upon "buy nothing day." BND . for 17 years, it's been a movement to not shop on black friday. how the hell is something like this not getting more media play? yes, it's full of insufferable save the worlders sloughing about in broken birkenstocks and no doubt stinking of patchouli, but this should be the time their message is heard and embraced. and manifested. we in the u.s. remain a fraction of the world's population and are its biggest consumers and polluters. there are 1.9 cars for every u.s household; the average home has 2.24 tvs and 66% more than 3; we throw away about 35% of our produce, unconsumed. rather than sitting on their fat asses inlawn chairs in a super-store parking lot, maybe those long island parents could have been home teaching their kids a different kind of lesson?

the other day, i made an off-hand remark to the owner that homeless people always seem to have money for cigarettes and dunkin' donuts coffee. he was quick with their reply that "why can't they enjoy what rich people do?" besides the obviousity of them being desperately poor, the krazee logic was astounding and saddening. if you have no place to live, you DO NOT HAVE DISPOSABLE INCOME. (although i'm running
out of time here, the irony of that phrase bears some later googling.)

friday's desperation and dead wal-mart clerk may only be the canary in the coal mine of a seismic shift in our economy. those track-suited elbow-jabbers racing for a discount wii will not be the ones running to the top of the economic heap, i'm quite sure.

an investment is by all right-minded people to be commended, because it brings comforts and necessities to the citizenry. but, if continued indefinitely, it will lead
to the endless pursuit of unnecessary things.” ~~ adam smith, 250 years ago

this year i spent thanksgiving in one of my favorite ways: cooking a big spread for those whom i care the most and who in turn (i hope) care for me. i stuck to my budget. the day after, i was a good little worker bee, toiling away and tending to the happiness of others, and they were sincerely grateful for all of our efforts. win-win.

the financial squeeze got me earlier than many others and
i jumped through flaming hoops to save my home. i'm no longer so alone in my income bracket weighing want vs. need with every paycheck. it gets easier, i swear. exhale, and think what really matters.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

other hubris

i couldn't really place this in today's earlier post, but it's been bugging me since i heard it the other day: palin's being pranked by those canadian dj's.

taken alone, the call was funny enough. she sounded like a junior high school girl getting a call from the captain of the varsity hockey team (local jab for her, wink, wink.)

there is the complete lack of thought on the part of her staff to vet the call. she has professional shoppers and make-up people, but nobody screening her calls? her folksy informality of "hi, this sarah!", her ignorance of ANY of the give-away references that should have been her dime to the clue bus. johnny halladay, ffs!

as it's percolated for me though, what really bothered me was her in-the-dark hubris. all of france, and much of the world, is orgasming over the possibility of obama in the white house. why on earth would sarkozy call her to FUCKING CHAT?

they make me boiling mad.

record numbers of people have registered to vote this year. the last 2 presidential elections i woke up the day after to very bad news. i'll hold my breath til wednesday, tyvm. all i can do is vote.

you make the call

(wow--it's been awhile, lol.)

previously i've posted about willing myself away from most media during these last throes of the election. my residence in a non-swing state, tivo and npr limit my exposure to the worst of it. but some has leaked through:

a telemarketer in wisconsin by the name of mr. zoromski was prepared to interrupt people during their dinner hours to encourage them to vote republican. but when he got the script saying “you need to know that barack obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist bill ayers, whose organization bombed the u.s. capitol, the pentagon, a judge’s home and killed americans,” he packed it in. paid to make nuisance calls, this guy got sent over the edge.

at a town-hall style meeting, mccain told an audience member who said she thought that obama was an “arab,” “no, ma’am, he’s a decent family man.” we'll skip lightly over obama actually being an american, but being an arab precludes this? this dialogue was repeated enough to bring colin powell out of the woodwork steaming mad.

palin's flogging small-towners and branding them as "real" americans, and us city-folk as "something else". "the others". does she or her mullet-headed fans realize that nearly 80% of americans live in urban areas now? until 2002, her 1st-dude of a husband was a member of a group that wants alaska to secede from the union. very pro-america, that.

libby dole's tv ads proclaiming her opponent for her north carolina senate seat to be "godless". the woman to whom she is likely losing is a former sunday school teacher.

representative robin hayes, (also from north carolina -- besides winstons, what else are they smoking down there?) who prefaced his comments by saying it was important to “make sure we don’t say something stupid, make sure we don’t say something we don’t mean.” republicans, he reminded the crowd, were kind people. plus, he added, the liberal media had shown itself eager to distort such remarks. with the crowd duly chastened, he accused obama of “inciting class warfare” and said that “liberals hate real americans that work and ac
hieve and believe in god.” this is the same guy who claimed the only way to victory in iraq was to convert all them muslims to christianity.

rush limbaugh: "it is striking how unqualified obama is and, and how this whole thing came about with, within the democrat party. i think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy." limbaugh continued: "i think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. it's the reverse of it. they've, they've ended up nominating and placing at the top of their ticket somebody who's not qualified, who has not earned it."

in nh, a woman who'd voted early yesterday said she wouldn't vote for obama because he "is a communist."

dopy voters have always existed. slimy attack ads are nothing new, nor is negative smearing, so as disheartening as it to me (yeah, i remain a softie progressive, can't-we-all-get-along, but stay-the-hell-out-of-my-bedroom kinda gal) i accept its reality. but the willingness, the eagerness, to stoop to racism and feed people's fears makes me sick. in this, the 21st century, republicans are stirring up witch hunts, anti-american committees and dragging their hapless god through their fetid muck. the aggressive ignorance, combined with the damning of intelligence and thoughtful discourse of and by the far-right loonies who see
m to be taking over the republican party make me wistful for the insight and mental agility of men like buckley and goldwater. creationism? are you fucking kidding me? (in this land of opportunity, and there's a monkey trial on tv --b.b.)

alberto gonzales is the only guy i can recall resigning from the administration under duress. even then bush praised him as "a man of integrity, decency and principle” and then complained of the “months of unfair treatment” that preceded the resignation.“it’s sad,” bush said, asserting that gonzales’s name had been “dragged through the mud for political reasons.” other than giving his cronies free reign, bush had no economic policy. lookie there! selling pencils and apples on the street corner likely won't cut it these days. although barrel-wearing might work as bold fashion statement. his fierce cowboy determination to go it alone in this
increasingly connected world has isolated and shamed us in ways previously unimaginable.

there is an arrogance in the air surrounding the bushies that is suffocating. nobody has walked the plank admitting failure, and in a show of frat-brother loyalty, bush has called out not a one. a senate leader, an m.d. (!) who could diagnose a comatose woman via videotape better than her own personal physicians; george tenet’s wmd “slam-dunk,” cheney’s “we will be greeted as liberators,” rumsfeld’s avidity to promulgate a minimalist military doctrine, together with the tidy theories of a group who call themselves “neo-conservative” (not one of whom has ever worn a military uniform) have: de-stabilized the middle east; empowered nort
h korea, iran, and syria; unleashed sectarian carnage in iraq among tribes who have been cutting each others’ throats for over a thousand years; cost the lives of over 4,600 american soldiers, with another 32,000 seriously injured troops saved only by very modern triage and 160 journalists also killed. but not to worry: democracy is on the march in the middle east. just ask hamas. and the neocons—bright people, all—are now clamoring, “on to tehran!”

“the trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to
be.” ~~ paul valery

let's hope this is as true tomorrow as it was yesterday.

this is the most important election of my generation, and possibly since world war II. let's rock the vote, everybody.

Monday, October 13, 2008

how do i not love thee?

let us count the ways...

up-front apologies to bill and leaving aside my aversion and overexposure to expensive weddings and even the institution of marriage. i will discount the behind-the-scenes mayhem at my place of employ that's concurrent with most events. at least once a weekend i do a hammah-dance of "can't touch this." but this one?

a glorious day that should make the entire world wish it lived in this city. sunny, with that slightly briny breeze blowing sailboats across the charles and frisbees and footballs across the commons.

5-figure wedding.

11:15 scheduled start-time for ceremony. 90% of the guests fidgeting in their seats. no groom. dad whips out his cell. he's looking for parking. huh? you bought validated parking in the garage. while he claims to be circling the block with his homies, bride is hurling upstairs, alternating with sips of champagne.

chatting up the officiant while we all wait, he tells me in their pre-whatever interview, the husband-to-be seemed "miserable." silently, i wonder if this is an expensive shot-gun wedding.

11:25: groom arrives. ok, we can start. nope. neither the groom's mother nor the bride's father is yet on-site. what kind of parent shows up late for their own kid's big day?

11:45: at last we can go. i help arrange the bride for her grand entrance. her 4-foot train is filthy with shoe-prints. nothing to be done now. ffs, who was stomping on her dress before she even saw anybody?

"i do." everybody claps and cheers.

reception: pictures, drinking, happy people oh-so-badly dressed. "what not to wear" should have been filming. weird, kind of, because the bride looked storybook pretty and her bridesmaids too were elegant in taupe satin cocktail dresses that were perfect for an afternoon wedding. very wise she hadn't asked an aunt for help with all that.

meal: usual hiccups of "oh, i can't have dairy," and "oh, my kid can't have wheat," blah, blah. we're used to that.

appetizers: bridal attendant returns to the kitchen with groom's plate of shrimp. he's ALLERGIC to it. shellfish of any kind will kill him. WHAT? his wife didn't know this? or didn't care? he never saw the menu? later, i discover together they have a 12-year-old son. even if they went their separate ways for awhile as young accidental parents sometimes do, how could this have escaped everybody?

people in unhappy or unraveling relationships often complain of their partner's lack of consideration or self-centeredness. i have been a painfully close witness to the disenfranchisement this creates, as well as the resulting resentment and heartbreak. with the reality of human nature, i can understand the deterioration that may occur through years, particularly in people who were never very outer-directed in their empathy.

my family's fractured dynamic never wove a "happily ever after" sampler pillow for me. but this? some ladies' magazine my mom read used to (?) have a column called "can this be marriage be saved?" i often thought it should be called "should this marriage be saved?" horrible but obvious question on this couple's wedding day. jeebus.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

stop making no sense

working lots of hours, filled with barely contained disgust and even something approaching sadness, as well as this weird sense of aversion, i've been swearing off my usual news outlets this last week or so. the base corruption at the heart of the imminent bail-out (did you know 90% of american home-owners are in good standing on their mortgages?). i also suspect this $700 billion figure is being cooked up with the same crystal ball (or is it crystal meth?) that estimated the cost of the fucking big dig. *leaders* in both the senate and house have been deluged by negative feedback from voters on this anal fiscal rape, yet not one is willing to defy lobbyists so close to election day. the "let's play opposite land" of mccain's apparent untethering to reality makes me sick. no longer riding around on the "straight-talk express", he flails like an epileptic drowning in the undertow. obama has said nothing of substance recently which steams me too. (although, perhaps he's taking a page from fdr's playbook and refusing to become smeared or attached to our era's economic hooverville? hh kept asking for help, even after fdr won the election, but prior to being inaugurated. fdr told him over and over to go pound sand. buchanan leaned on lincoln too, but he stayed above the free-state/slave-state fray til actually in the white house.)

if not for sadists in my life who insist on sending me clips, i would not have seen any of the couric-palin mini-series unfolding on cbs. cringe-worthy doesn't even begin to approach the lack of articulation shown by this woman. sentences to nowhere, anybody? to wit:

COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?

PALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media —

COURIC: But what ones specifically? I’m curious.

PALIN: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.

COURIC: Can you name any of them?

PALIN: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news.

never mind my persnickety twitch at her lack of noun-NOUN agreement, but is she so stoopid she can't produce the name of a single newspaper or magazine? (rhetorical. puh-leeze, don't prolong this.) how's that look for thinking on one's feet? bush had the hubris to admit he refuses to even read the paper. ok, so she isn't there yet. it clearly doesn't occur to her that reading is fun-duh-mental and might help her public speaking? never mind being able to hit back some softballs lobbed her way by couric.

it's just further proof of the absolute disdain the republican party holds for the american people. toss in a bimbo so everybody gets distracted (that means *you* american media!!!) from the real and fetid messes everywhere.

"morning in america"? then please, don't wake me up.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

noodle note

much like an editor's note...

while doing a quick search for the girdle image down below, i was reminded of a few tidbits for which i didn't have time this morning.

the contraptions women once strapped on under suits and chemises, even in the hottest of weather, (liz taylor in "cat on a hot tin roof", anybody?) weren't really designed to make a size 14 look like a 6. the concept was to disguise and restrain any jiggling girly bits as much as possible. even mary tyler moore "slept" in a bra as mary richards on that pull-out couch. very few women then were all that FAT, ya know? it was prudishness on display, not the concealment of piggishness.

marilyn monroe's dress size is often slagged about to make modern fat women feel better somehow. we've all seen her lost eyes and jello on springs walk. we've seen her upskirted in the "seven year itch" and steam-whistled in "some like it hot". (where she actually was in trouble with the studio over her weight, which was then her heaviest at about 140 on her 5'6" frame...) curvy, buxom, female -- fat? no way. most of her clothes and all of her costumes were custom-made, so her *size* is kinda moot. her studio stats put her at a 23" waist. fat? uh, no. women were actually smaller -- thinner-- so vintage sizes correspond much differently to today's bodies.

we'll leave this at the impossibility for a big-busted/small-hipped woman to buy a fitted dress off the rack. not to mention how the digits then skew. mock the amount of clothes i may seem to have, but i can count my dresses on less than 2 hands. i can't zipper a size 14 dress, but a size 6 skirt fits just fine. men will never get this, i guess. nor will they get the number obsession that stretches from the closet to the scale. (oh, it's getting late and my noodle is wandering...)

lastly, i read an interview with an actor in that show "swingtown", which takes place in the 70s. he's frequently shot poolside and looks very trim with nice abs. he was complaining about having to drop weight for the role and always being starving -- because peeps back then were so much thinner. imagine that. most actors are fanatics about their weight and bodies, especially those not on the a-list and so vying for parts. has our national appetite increased that much? not everybody smoked then, and nobody on the show does, lol. even sarah michelle gellar, this summer much mocked for her cellulite, warned that *we* regular peeps shouldn't try to look like them, since being skinny is soooooooo part of their job.

we'll leave aside the freaky-skeery skinny out there, in the celeb skeletor-land of girl-womenz like keira knightley, courtney cox and victoria beckham. dried figs to marilyn's melons?

me? i just wanna fit in those damn pants, lol.

Friday, September 19, 2008

other ladies' pants

perhaps it should be "pants"? ya know, the air quotation mark kinda thing?

yesterday i had a pre-production meeting with a co-worker. we both were wearing fitted black skirts that fell slightly above the knee. she is about my height, and about 12 years my junior. she mostly wears skirts, and i'm frequently struck by how the legs of somebody so young can so utterly lack muscle tone.

she shifted in her chair and i caught a glimpse of very ugly beige. omg. yup. she was sausage-stuffed into some sort of control garment. shapewear. bodywear. what would it be called? bigger than a girdle cuz it went past her upper thigh.

the owner was incredulous in finding a news article about this stuff. we have more than once poked our fingers at somebody who could visually benefit. am i shocked that she was wearing it? actually, yeah. it never occurred to me. i don't think of her as "big". not shapely, really, but very far from objectionable, as the owner might put it.

and i sped back in time to junior high and girls stuffing their bras. what happens when the boy sees what is not, or nowadays, what actually IS, contained within? and does it make like a boingo sound, or maybe a squishy noise, when it's sprung free?


Thursday, September 18, 2008

long pants, the ladies' version

a quick tally today shows it's been 54 days since i've worn pants. looks to be sunny and warm for awhile still, too. in my previous job, the kitchen was so swampy, i wound up having to wear water-proof clogs and cheap black pants everyday to prevent getting slimed.

the owner's dictum, the mini-staycation i enjoyed, the stunning string of gorgeous weather, my new job that often has me going days without even entering the kitchen (which is often empty anyway) all have brought a very pleasant wardrobe change. the icing on this cake is my diminishing size. skirts that haven't slipped over my butt in years are now out and about. i'm also enjoying the calf extension and hip-sway a girl gets walking in pretty high heels.

the mouse turd in the layer cake? i'm still not yet small enough for my old slacks. i'm holding weight in places i never did and it's being hormonally stubborn. phooey. the first month or so of working out regularly i watched pounds evaporate. yup, very good for an instant gratification gal comme moi. although i'm getting back into more and more outfits, the depletion of me is now achingly slow. i know all about melting fat and building muscle and i'm working hard -- feeling that pang of superiority watching chubsters take a stroll on the treadmill, while i sweat my ass off. literally, i guess, just not fast enough for my liking.

ok, enough whining. it doesn't burn many kcals. off to the gym. i have to have size 4 slacks in my near future. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

church and state are no longer separate here

a tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious.


i have gone on here about bush's terrifying world view that armageddon will make everything alright. he trammels the constitution and sovereignty of nations, yadda yadda. now we've got his demon redux in an up-do. palin believes god wants a pipeline and that invading iraq was part of *his plan". her young unwed pregnant daughter is following god's will.

my own faith (or lack thereof) in god aside, i am sick to death of people speaking for him. their hubris in claiming he speaks TO THEM. directly to them. ffs!!! if he's all that, isn't he kinda busy???


where would jesus drill?

it's a small world, redux

a ny times reporter this week offered up his impressions from talking to many "average mohammeds" in cairo. he spoke with dozens of peeps in cafes, markets and university quads. with both mccain and his pitbull eager to blow up more places and show the world who's da boss, i found it deeply disturbing.

it was a sentient and nuanced piece -- the reason i still read the news. the majority in that region distrusts its government and disbelieves the msm -- that outlet seeming to be no more than a propaganda arm for _____________(insert mubarak or another hookah-pal here.) further, they will not be swayed from thinking that israel and the u.s. are in cahoots on all world matters, large and small.

he found no one who thought al queda was responsible for the attacks on 9/11. no one. how could a few guys in remote caves pull off something so devastating? they all had *incontestable* truth that no jews went to work at the world trade center that morning. (pentagon never seems to figure in these sorts of things, but i don't imagine that bloc as much of a haven for semites anyway.) the u.s. and israel did it as an excuse to make arabs look evil and as an excuse to invade iraq. they hold no doubt. none.

from the article:

"there are arabs who hate america, a lot of them, but this is too much,” mr. abbas said as he fidgeted with his cellphone. “and look at what happened after this — the americans invaded two muslim countries. they used 9/11 as an excuse and went to iraq. they killed saddam, tortured people. how can you trust them?”

even this egyptian is suffering from the dissonance.

i couldn't subject myself to any of the covention airtime. even i am not that masochistic. however, flak after flak has beaten in the point that neither palin nor mccain mentioned the economy in their speeches. americans often uninsured, losing their homes, jobs and hope held no spot on the republican platform.

in a strangely related piece, fdr's articulate words have again been brought forth for me.

seventy-two years ago, in his renomination acceptance speech at the democratic convention in philadelphia (before an audience of over 100,000), fdr rose above the boiler-plate rhetoric of political speeches and spoke of his generation’s “rendezvous with destiny.” he warned of the perils to the nation of economic inequality. “liberty,” he said, “requires opportunity to make a living, a living decent according to the standard of the time, a living which gives man not only enough to live by, but something to live for.”

roosevelt’s words echo across the decades because they resonate with the very meaning of america, a meaning that is so much deeper than what our politics now seem to be. “we are fighting,” he told his audience, “to save a great and precious form of government, for ourselves and for the world.”

in a global poll of over 30,000 people, a staggering margin supported obama for president. tens of thousands of miles away, they know our president still can make or break the world.

we have broken it.

much of the world still believes we can make amends and move ahead.

can we?

will we?

Saturday, September 06, 2008

money talks

immediately after sarah palin's speech at the rnc, mccain received $1 million in contributions.

in the same time frame, obama received $10 million.

i can hope, right?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

celebrity bizarro land

last weekend, both madonna and michael jackson turned 50. back in the day, they were the queen and king of pop. hit after hit on top 40 radio, spilling out of dorm rooms, jukeboxes and clubs. amazing videos. pepsi commercials. soundtrack of the 80s and early 90s, for many my age. (never owned an album by either, fyi, but could sing along well enough after a few drinks.)

regardless of what their flaks say, i think it safe to posit both have gone under the knife. and safe to say to VERY different results, lol.

she remains an international icon. her concerts sell out at whopping sums and she still pumps out hit singles. she looks amazing. (those arms!) kabbalah la-la and a-rod rumors aside, she's a wife, mother and superstar, 25 years running.

he celebrated his birthday with cartoons and cookies. he has gone beyond strange looking with a nose that no longer stays attached to his face. he is mired in debt and foreclosure battles, even after buying out much of the beatles catalogue. when was the last time he made a new record? can he even sing anymore? he seems far too frail to moonwalk. last known to be living in bahrain? let's not even talk about those kids under the veils.

further whackness...

lynne spears, mother to trainwrecks britney and teenage single mom jaime lynne, called a posh l.a. baby store and ordered a gift -- baby burp cloths to be sent in her daughter jaime lynne's name to that another unwed mom-to-be in the great white north, bristol palin. (whose hockey hunk b.f. i totally would have done in school.)

lastly, little lost mackenzie phillips. her tv sister valerie bertinelli making a comeback, skinny again, ditched the booze-bag husband, and has tv deals. poor mac -- arrested at the airport holding heroin and coke. now headed to her 10th stint in rehab. jeebus.

Monday, September 01, 2008

please... hurt me

welcome to the opposite land in which this noodle lives.

on a relationship forum i used to frequent more often, there were countless cyclical threads that all essentially began, "please, don't hurt me." the heart, the soul, the psyche as precious candy glass and the lover (most often the female making the plea, so the hapless dude) was left to tread on always shifting eggshells.

these women had been hurt before and wanted no more of it. it always struck me as an impossible burden and then secondly, a terrible projection. what man or woman could possibly meet that expectation? to *never* hurt you? few wake up in the morning intending to hurt their beloved, ya know? so she always held the other at arm's length -- waiting. what a horrible set-up for failure. for both.

then there is noodle.

this is not the post to delve into the black dark of the why.

recently, i dared to posit aloud that the owner is less angry in general, so perhaps less inclined to hurt me and engage my masochism. he agreed. he said he "doesn't carry it like he used to."

it made me so happy for him. truly. the mantle under which he struggled for years is coming undone. :) yet, it was a lingua verum of our own and something i treasured. how do i now explain that i *need* to be hurt when it's something he no longer feels compelled to do?

the other day (and night before) i got used hard. like most women would never want. the kind that makes you bleed and cry. the kind that makes you not want to sit down. the kind that makes you want to crawl inside the man who knows he can do that to you. the kind that makes you weep with pain and relief and joy on the way home.

i remained woozy and stoopid for a nice while.

allowing/wanting myself to be hurt opens me to a vulnerability i don't know how to get to elsewise. the welts, the weals, the tear-stains, the submitting to the power of *you* brings me to a place i feel should be for you.

will you allow me that?

let's hear it for the ladies

cindy mccain and laura bush were pushed forth to make speeches tonight at the republican convention in st. louis. neither is an elected official, nor seeking public office, but i guess their men are off doing manly stuff and stopping biblical force weather. i wouldn't watch them on tv, for fear botox would squirt directly through my screen into my face.

on another note of "defensive, much?"...

a favorite and level-headed npr reporter was interviewing palin's spokeswoman today. here's the bit i heard:

npr: has gov. palin ever traveled outside the country?
flak: her son is leaving any day for iraq.
npr: yes, i know, but this is about the governor. has she ever been abroad?
flak: since when has being a governor not been sufficient qualification for being vice president? we are done here.

um, ok.

NOW! i find out her unmarried teenaged daughter is knocked up. brilliant.


rainin' on the rnc parade

maybe there is a god?

hurricane gustav has been bearing down on the gulf coast for several days. this time authorities seem to have their act somewhat together and evacuations, preparations and curfews fell into effect several days ago. katrina remains a raw memory (not hard to forget if you're still living in a fema trailer, i bet), so 2 million people hotfooted hopefully to safer land north and west. mayor nagin of new orleans told residents they "need to be scared". a few hold-outs remain, holed up with tobacco, canned beans, guns and ammo, but his words seemed to have the desired effect. as i type, the storm keeps moving but a big question mark remains about what mother nature has in mind.

from today's ny times:

"we are hoping and praying gustav runs out of steam,” said lt. gen. robert l. van antwerp, the commanding general for the corps of engineers, as lightning flashed in the clouds over lake pontchartrain behind him.

maybe he should have been *praying* harder over the past 3 years to get the damn levees and t-walls built faster?

i digress.

mccain and his cons now must scale way back on the hate fest. opening night in st. louis is basically canceled. balloons and bunting are unseemly when you've got millions on the move to save their lives, eh? the next few days will force minute-to-minute decisions, having no disaster emergency precedent by which to choose the *right thing to do.* a sunshiney spot in the storm is that bush and cheney will NOT attend the convention, making it impossible for any pix to be taken together of the nominee and the least favored president in us history. visual, if not idealogical, distance thanks to a mighty wind.

riddle me this, kind readers: wtf were mccain and palin doing down there? he is a senator from arizona. not what i'd call hurricane central. she is, well, i wrote that all yesterday. gidget goes to the gulf, ya know? (did she bring a jet-ski, hoping for rad waves?) there is NOTHING they can do to help or assist authorities who are presumably busting ass to keep everybody's shit together. even shrub has the sense to stay away. shouldn't they stop sucking valuable resources? landing planes, motorcades, security -- all that could have been avoided by conference calls and e-mail. OH, WAIT! then there would be no pix or video of mccain and palin looking concerned in the rain. AND, OH! mccain cannot use the internet.

gustav is the lead story on cable and the net, making the republican convention an also-ran.

maybe this will turn out to be a breath of fresh air after all.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

that girl

more republican pandering and offense.

palin is supposed to attract the disgruntled hilary supporters? other than common plumbing, what have these 2 women in common? can the media truly be THAT disingenuous??

we'll skip all the crap about her flip-flop on the "bridge to nowhere" and her effortless from-where-the-hell victory over hated and notoriously corrupt old hacks in her into-the-wild home-state. for now, we'll take a pass on the ethics scandal involving her pointy elbows and sharp pencils trying to get her ex-brother-in-law state-trooper canned. her youth, her visual appeal, her *feistiness* (um, gidget as 2nd in command?) her *first-
dude* of a husband who is also a champion snow-mobiler. is there another female governor that can gut a fish in a trice? hell, this one can probably flay a bear in minutes just to bolster her anti-protection stance.

isn't the dirty lil secret that she is supposed to secure the ultra-cons who were not pledging to mccain and the evangelical bloc? she's in bed with big oil and gas, anti-gay, pro-gun, anti-conservation and favors creationism in the public school curriculum. she is anti-abortion.

james dobson of "focus on the family" announced earlier this year that he wouldn't and couldn't vote for McCain. today he pronounced himself converted, thanks to a ticket that now includes someone for whom "the sanctity of life" isn't just a political position.

palin has a 5-month old son with down syndrome. as an older mother, she took the test and decided to continue the pregnancy and have her son. "a blessing..." blah, blah, blah.

amazing that my head remained attached to my neck when i found this in a response thread in a ny times blog: (proves how dubious science is, i guess...)

"I’m a pro-choice Democrat, and it appalls me that 90+% of women who receive the diagnosis of Trisomy 21 “choose” to abort. This means that either (a) only liberal democratic women get pregnant with fetuses with Down syndrome, or (b) there are an awful lot of hypocritical Republican women out there."

please don't get me wrong, i laud palin for staying true to her core belief here.
i do remain disgusted that such a private decision should be made part of her public and political persona. further, she was allowed to make a choice, something she wants to deny all other women, many of whom clearly share most of her politics. perhaps they don't have her access to nannies and such? her husband has 2 jobs plus a demanding hobby. she is a governor who will be stumping hard the next 2 months to win the white house. they have 5 children. who's tending the baby?

a "heartbeat away from the presidency" holds brand new meaning here with a very old dude whose ticker and health are so much in doubt. he's got almost 30 years on this lady! if mccain drops during an inaugural ball dance, how's palin gonna respond 6 months later to putin going all kruschev and pounding his shoe about ossetia? the cons have been trying to paint obama as inexperienced. what the hell does that make palin?

on some nattering head show, pat robertson (why is that loathsome reptile still sliming around with any say-so?) referred to palin more than once as "that gal". rush limbaugh (that big fat idiot) called her a "babe". are you for real? after the months of misogynistic horse-whipping of hilary, these guys turn the condescension onto one of their own? gaaah.
i hope she can take dictation and type. maybe she can help mccain "make a google", as he still puts it.

lastly, ya gotta wonder: is hillary laughing so hard she wets herself, or beating some illegal maid with wire hangers right about now?

Sunday, August 24, 2008


"she's got gaps, i got gaps, together -- we fill gaps."

~~rocky balboa on love

Saturday, August 23, 2008

more of the same

"perhaps it was god who put these two great resources right next to each other. just to see what people would do with them." ~~ JOHN T. SHIVELY, chief executive of a consortium seeking to mine copper and gold near alaskan rivers that also nurture salmon.

yes. i'm sure that's exactly it. and if you listen carefully, god will tell you exactly what is the right thing to do.

a mineral deposit of staggering value, but of a finite amount, vs. the world's largest salmon run which produces an amazing amount of wealth each year and has renewed itself for millenia. mining of the gold and copper will release toxins into the river that will likely destroy it and kill off the fish forever.

what would jesus do?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

conserve this

in a letter to his campaign manager, dated Oct. 26, 1904, teddy roosevelt wrote: “i must ask you to direct that the money be returned to them forthwith.” as roosevelt saw it: “we cannot under any circumstances afford to take a contribution which can be even improperly construed as putting us under an improper obligation.

he was running for his first full term as president and had discovered a $100,000 contribution from standard oil.

if anybody else's head besides mine explodes trying to imagine this from any modern candidate let's just collect our spattered brain matter and move forward, ok? (i'm vaguely recalling a last-minute scramble to distance from that filth-monger abramoff, but that's an unnecessary digression here.)

after mccain flip-flopped on off-shore drilling, he pocketed $1.1 million from big oil and big gas in TWO WEEKS. no pretending here that obama's hands haven't dipped into the pool of texas crude because they have, however his "tax the hell out of the oil companies" stance hasn't exactly opened the hearts and minds in exxon's boardrooms -- most were small checks from employees.

in yet another flight of fantasy, mccain this week described himself as a "roosevelt republican." either he is completely ignorant of roosevelt's accomplishments and philosophies, or blithely assumes the same of the american public. (very sadly, either holds equal weight, i guess, huh?) so let's take a quick trip in the way-back machine to compare and contrast the republican party of 100 years ago and today, and we'll use mccain's new-found hero as the vintage model.

the rough rider has long been admired (or hated) as a trust-buster, for regulating industry and curbing the excesses of giant corporations. he favored the imposition of an inheritance tax and though a man of means, fought his party’s coddling of the very wealthy. he pushed for fair and equitable railroad transport rates and safer food and drugs. he was the first president to call for universal health care and national health insurance (!!!)

what really makes my forehead vein throb from mccain's bald-faced lie is the modern republican attitude towards the environment and roosevelt's crusades for conservation. if polar bears or peregrine falcons were found to contain oil, no doubt mccain would happily and personally wring every single one dry. (roosevelt's coinage of "good to the last drop" holds some serious irony here, lol.) when roosevelt became aware of the slaughter of birds for ladies' feathered hats, (5 million noble birds per year, like egrets and herons -- many mowed down by semi-automatic weapons) he decreed pelican island a sanctuary, the first piece of the national wildlife refuge system. his understanding that the iconic buffalo was nearly gone led to the establishment of 5 game preserves. he doubled the number of national parks, created 150 national forests, and was ultimately responsible for the guardianship of some 230,000,000 acres.

he was one of harvard's first naturalists, an avid bird watcher and wrote eloquently and lyrically about the natural world. he was friend to both muir and burroughs and wrote 35 books. republicans today attack anyone well-spoken or whom offers intelligent discourse as "elitist". (where's that damn eye-rolling icon?)

from a 1907 speech:

"in utilizing and conserving the natural resources of the nation, the one characteristic more essential than any other is foresight... the conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life."

i've blogged previously about bush's disregard for the consequences of his recklessness because of his whole infuriating and ignorant armageddon thing. yet the cons are putting on another con-job for the american public with this damnable off-shore drilling hoax. best guesstimates put recoverable oil around 20-30 billion barrels. much of it is off california, which has stated in no uncertain terms there will be no drilling off its shores. subtract those barrels from the pool and that leaves possibly as little as 7-8 billion. if we start drilling this minute, none of it will see the light of day for another generation and that is what the world currently consumes in about 3 months. yeah, a 90 day-supply. how's that for long-range thinking with the bonus potential to devastate and despoil our beaches, gulf and oceans?

teddy was no white knight. he was a jingoist and a racist, a social darwinist. (that part certainly fits many neo-cons, though.)

somebody please explain to me when conservatism, the act of conserving, a committment to responsible stewardship, entered the upside-down universe of the heedless exploitation of our people and our lands?


Saturday, August 16, 2008

it's a small world

the owner introduced me the other night to a new acquaintance. she was friendly and pleasant, although i was highly distracted by her patchouli and choice of shorts.

(her parade of fatty snacks after confessing a gastric band op deserves a whole other post, but i digress...)

i was subject to an agenda, so i wasn't making waves, just nice.

she is one of those people who never leaves their circle of safety. she lives with her sons, near her mother, in what is basically a *neighborhood* of lowell. she works in lowell. she grew up in the community. one of the ticket takers at our show was her cousin.

yet she'd never been to the lowell folk music festival, now running nearly 30 years. she was completely unaware of the series to which the owner holds a pass for summer music in the park. she'd been to 2 concerts in her life the night we brought her to her 3rd. and THOSE had been over 20 years ago. she'd never heard of the guy we were seeing. she never goes out for a drink or dinner. the thought of salmon and asparagus (the owner's entree before we met up) made her squicked. she never goes to a movie.

she asked me what i did, i paused and said "sommelier". blank stare.

that i live in boston was amazing to her -- she'd be lost and afraid.

this woman served in the navy with her husband and proved to be amenable to our designs, so i'm not saying she was laura ingalls in a hoodie. but... but... but?

a recent study by a cell phone company in japan tracked users by the gps in their phones. (yo, they don't have the same privacy laws we're so blithely surrendering without a whimper, k?) something like 80% never traveled or called more than 2 miles from their home.

a recent article in the atlantic got lots of buzz: "is google making us stupid?" my dearest friends and i use it as that long tail of culture and economics. we lose too much time in links to new ideas, writers and video and music. stuff we never would have found at the multiplex or the mall, even if we went to either. but the rest? they don't get stoopid, they just stay that way.

sorry but i don't have a link to a lulz kitty video here. i suck.

proof i remain an idealist: i like to think just maybe that woman will youtube bruce hornsby or remember the wine i knew she drank and have a day with a new difference.

it can happen.

censors, creationists, racists, evangelicals, neo-conservatives... all wanna make the world smaller. knowledge is dangerous. scope is treacherous.

one of the best parts of my life is knowing people who know the world is big. and THAT'S why it's scary.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

hunters, gatherers and fiddle-faddle

the galapagos finch is an icon of darwin's theory of natural selection and remains a favorite to study. every year since 1973, members of that bird population, both parents and chicks, on the island of daphne major, have been weighed, measured and marked. their survival depends largely on their ability to open pods for seeds. in years of abundance, all birds thrive, but if the season is scarce, smaller beaked-birds die in droves, taking their puny genes with them.

over the course of 3 decades, annual measurement of finches shows that both body size and beak size evolved significantly, but they didn’t do so in a smooth, consistent fashion. instead, natural selection jittered about, often changing direction from one season to the next. as the abundance of different seeds fluctuated, so too did the beak sizes. however, if the measurements had been taken once every 10 years, or only then and now, the changes in beak size would have been wildly underestimated.

as part of my recent quest for better health, i keep stumbling upon the paleo-diet. in a nutshell, you eat what oog the caveman did. (stop snorting with laughter, please.) i appreciate the intent, but struggle both with the execution and the "i drank the kool-aid (or antelope marrow)" mania. the theory is to consume only what would have been available to our bipedal ancestors before farming and animal husbandry changed the menu. they bolster their argument with studies of modern hunter/gatherer tribes, the older members of which show no evidence of heart disease, osteoporosis, hypertension, tooth decay and general western-type age-related maladies. supposedly accidents and infections killed off most of them, while the less clumsy spent their dotage eating berries and sleeping alot.

day in the life: slow amble through latest leafy glade, bending or stretching to gather roots, fruits, seeds, leaves, etc. piling that all up in a basket of some sort, then hauling that load back to base. maybe a stroll with some pointy sticks to a nearby stream bed or shoreline for trout or pike. the occasional big romp to take down a beast. (the raw foodists tend to diverge off the path prior to the campfire/meat part, but i digress.)

i read "clan of the cave bear", too, ok? lots of all that sounds pretty groovy and peaceable, and supposedly a good amount of time was spent together in your little gang, relaxing and bonding, living your day with the cycle of the sun. naps were big, too, lol.

estimates are that these early folks accessed about 400-500 different edibles over the course of 4 seasons. we evolved with a simple gut that allows us to be omnivores. it was necessary for survival, ne c'est pas? contrast this with modern man? while our supermarket aisles groan with bags and boxes (10,000 new processed food products are introduced every year in the u.s.!!!) average joe eats a only a handful of foods, mostly grain, lots of fat and stuff nobody can pronounce.

what about the finches you ask? lol. what flies in the face of the paleo-proponents is the presumption that our bodies haven't changed in all this time. that smacks of stoopidly ignoring science. finches evolve flibbity-jibbity in a generation, but man hasn't shifted a midge in millions of years?
we have been farming and herding for 10,000 years, but cooked lentils and cheese are toxic?

i'm not prepared to completely toss the genetic baby out with the bean cooking water. only 3 generations ago, my people were from places too poor to keep cows. sheep's milk wasn't really a *thing*, and hard cheese became a condiment, rather than a staple. nobody in my family drinks milk, we all hate it. even the feel of it on my tongue grosses me out. babies and small children have a digestive enzyme for milk proteins. unless kept active, that enzyme goes the way of baby teeth. on a date many years ago, he insisted we have ice cream. "sure, i haven't had it in ages." within hours, it was like food poisoning. i was in a fetal position in the back of the car and spent 12 hours wanting to die.

the other genetic contradiction here is the presumption that the plants and animals of long ago are the same as what we today buy shrink-wrapped and plu-stickered. even if i kept my own garden, my fruits and tubers would be very different than what those folks picked and scratched.

"eat food. not too much. mostly plants." ~~ michael pollan, "the omnivore's dilemma"

it's laugh out loud easy, isn't it?

i'm trying. here -- have some parsley salad. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

mikey likes it

yeah, but he died eating pop-rocks and coke ;)

this is a small detail of much recent rumination about my changing/aging body and all that implies. (add the owner's distaste for what he sees and yeah, i've been getting busy... but i digress...)

all my life breakfast has been a trial. my parents would have half a slice of toast and a cup of coffee, but felt i should have *more*. school days, that meant cereal, right? i hated milk, so would crunch on the quisp/lucky charms/cheerios and sneak the remaining moo-goo to the dog, under the table, her tail-wagging (hello, pavlov.) one freezing kindergarten morning, my dad was who knows where, and
my mother was late for work, she decided to make oatmeal for me. it was so gross in my mouth i cried in the dark beginning of day. not to sound tragic, but my mom knew she'd lost the battle. yuk. (shut up, dr. freud, about associations, k?)

cut to grown-up noodle.

i'm not inclined to eat unhealthfully, but my career and schedule make my day and fueling needs strange and erratic.
every so often, i decide my diet needs re-tooling.

this happened a few months ago. so, um, duh! have breakfast! have a whole-grain breakfast!! i bought the colon-blow organic cereal, the plain yogurt to replace the milk and the fruit to make it less like pile-shavings. it really was tasty. and i was quite regular. (never really a problem, anyhow, but i do have a thing about that.) but 2 or 3 hours later? i was starving, and i'd already consumed more than 25% of my daily calories, with 16 or 17 hours waking hours ahead. disaster walking.

i felt bloated and puffy and hungry and out of whack.

ok, the cereal- for-breakfast thing is a conspiracy from big-moo and big-ag. way back when, kellogg was considered a nutso.

am i finally ready to start listening to my own internal self ?

i know lots of skinny healthy folks who have a big bowl of crunchy kansas goodness every morning, but finally i know it will never work for me.
i don't doubt there are genetic variances in what may be best for different peeps, but i'm not prepared to lay it all down to heritage -- too many of us in the states are too much the mutt. if i did, i should have a guiness for breakfast and lunch (sandwich in every glass) and some green veggies cooked with a hint of pork (plus wine :) for dinner. actually that doesn't sound so bad, lol.

i'll stick with my fruit or toast to start, my big meal late day and then something light later. it's the only way to keep myself fueled while going til 2:00 am or later, ya know? that guy who said you shouldn't eat anything after 6:00 pm? you know he went to bed at 10:00.

there's more, but this is enough for now, lol.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

carrying on

why do i even read it, when i know it will just piss me off?

karl rove, describing obama: "the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini and a cigarette that stands against the wall and makes snide comments about everyone who passes by."


if i envision anybody skulking against the wall at a posh private club, making snarky remarks, it's rove. prior to his political ascent, what club would have let obama through the whitey-white doors? some mixed-race dude, who sounds muslim, with no pedigree or legacy reference? yet guys like rove can paint willy-nilly with that sloppy old brush and have it stick.

bush the elder, who infamously had never seen a supermarket plu scanner, managed to slant dukakis, a 1st generation son of greek immigrants, as a hoity-toity pinhead. (granted, he's a bit wonky, but far from out-of-touch like the blue blood tossing the muck.)

obama's father ditched when he was 2, he and his mom bounced around, she eventually remarried and farmed him out to various relatives. without alumnae letters or legacy leeway, he got himself into some of our country's most prestigious schools. (did you know he declined to indicate race on his harvard admissions app?) his first major job was as a community organizer on some of chicago's grittiest streets. can we say, "bootstraps", everybody?

last night on my pointy-headed npr, a reporter was interviewing some little kids in texas. they heard obama belonged to al qaeda. that he built bombs. that he was a known terrorist. they are not reading this shit on cereal boxes, now are they?

admittedly, part of the problem for dukakis, gore and kerry is they just couldn't/wouldn't play as dirty as their republican adversary. we are in the doldrums of august, so the drumbeats have yet to really begin. i know i'll be sickened on a regular basis before that november tuesday. go ahead, ask me why i don't watch tv news.

recently, i saw this on a print. it was a quote i'd never seen, but will stick with me:

"Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionaries."

they built this country. it's not a matter for shame.

these neo-cons excel at painting "the other" as dangerous. the only danger i see obama presenting is to the sickening status quo that has brought this country to its fiscal and moral knees.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

at last...

finally getting a little hot under the collar, and in respsonse to the ridiculous gauge-gate that's got all the flaks flapping, obama shot one off to a standing ovation yesterday:

"It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant," he told a crowd in Ohio, then delivered the kicker. "Instead of running ads about Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, they should go talk to some energy experts and actually make a difference."

like little katie connick said the other night: "obama, baby!"

thank you.

carry on. :)