why do i even read it, when i know it will just piss me off?
karl rove, describing obama: "the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini and a cigarette that stands against the wall and makes snide comments about everyone who passes by."
if i envision anybody skulking against the wall at a posh private club, making snarky remarks, it's rove. prior to his political ascent, what club would have let obama through the whitey-white doors? some mixed-race dude, who sounds muslim, with no pedigree or legacy reference? yet guys like rove can paint willy-nilly with that sloppy old brush and have it stick.
bush the elder, who infamously had never seen a supermarket plu scanner, managed to slant dukakis, a 1st generation son of greek immigrants, as a hoity-toity pinhead. (granted, he's a bit wonky, but far from out-of-touch like the blue blood tossing the muck.)
obama's father ditched when he was 2, he and his mom bounced around, she eventually remarried and farmed him out to various relatives. without alumnae letters or legacy leeway, he got himself into some of our country's most prestigious schools. (did you know he declined to indicate race on his harvard admissions app?) his first major job was as a community organizer on some of chicago's grittiest streets. can we say, "bootstraps", everybody?
last night on my pointy-headed npr, a reporter was interviewing some little kids in texas. they heard obama belonged to al qaeda. that he built bombs. that he was a known terrorist. they are not reading this shit on cereal boxes, now are they?
admittedly, part of the problem for dukakis, gore and kerry is they just couldn't/wouldn't play as dirty as their republican adversary. we are in the doldrums of august, so the drumbeats have yet to really begin. i know i'll be sickened on a regular basis before that november tuesday. go ahead, ask me why i don't watch tv news.
recently, i saw this on a print. it was a quote i'd never seen, but will stick with me:
"Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionaries."
they built this country. it's not a matter for shame.
these neo-cons excel at painting "the other" as dangerous. the only danger i see obama presenting is to the sickening status quo that has brought this country to its fiscal and moral knees.
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