this is a small detail of much recent rumination about my changing/aging body and all that implies. (add the owner's distaste for what he sees and yeah, i've been getting busy... but i digress...)
all my life breakfast has been a trial. my parents would have half a slice of toast and a cup of coffee, but felt i should have *more*. school days, that meant cereal, right? i hated milk, so would crunch on the quisp/lucky charms/cheerios and sneak the remaining moo-goo to the dog, under the table, her tail-wagging (hello, pavlov.) one freezing kindergarten morning, my dad was who knows where, and my mother was late for work, she decided to make oatmeal for me. it was so gross in my mouth i cried in the dark beginning of day. not to sound tragic, but my mom knew she'd lost the battle. yuk. (shut up, dr. freud, about associations, k?)
cut to grown-up noodle.
i'm not inclined to eat unhealthfully, but my career and schedule make my day and fueling needs strange and erratic. every so often, i decide my diet needs re-tooling.

i felt bloated and puffy and hungry and out of whack.
ok, the cereal- for-breakfast thing is a conspiracy from big-moo and big-ag. way back when, kellogg was considered a nutso.
am i finally ready to start listening to my own internal self ?
i know lots of skinny healthy folks who have a big bowl of crunchy kansas goodness every morning, but finally i know it will never work for me. i don't doubt there are genetic variances in what may be best for different peeps, but i'm not prepared to lay it all down to heritage -- too many of us in the states are too much the mutt. if i did, i should have a guiness for breakfast and lunch (sandwich in every glass) and some green veggies cooked with a hint of pork (plus wine :) for dinner. actually that doesn't sound so bad, lol.
i'll stick with my fruit or toast to start, my big meal late day and then something light later. it's the only way to keep myself fueled while going til 2:00 am or later, ya know? that guy who said you shouldn't eat anything after 6:00 pm? you know he went to bed at 10:00.
there's more, but this is enough for now, lol.
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