Monday, September 01, 2008

let's hear it for the ladies

cindy mccain and laura bush were pushed forth to make speeches tonight at the republican convention in st. louis. neither is an elected official, nor seeking public office, but i guess their men are off doing manly stuff and stopping biblical force weather. i wouldn't watch them on tv, for fear botox would squirt directly through my screen into my face.

on another note of "defensive, much?"...

a favorite and level-headed npr reporter was interviewing palin's spokeswoman today. here's the bit i heard:

npr: has gov. palin ever traveled outside the country?
flak: her son is leaving any day for iraq.
npr: yes, i know, but this is about the governor. has she ever been abroad?
flak: since when has being a governor not been sufficient qualification for being vice president? we are done here.

um, ok.

NOW! i find out her unmarried teenaged daughter is knocked up. brilliant.


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