Tuesday, September 01, 2009

shame on who?

william taylor's wife was snooping into his cell phone and found sexy pix of not her. confronted, he admitted having an affair.

they fought.

as penance she is making him wear a sandwich board that says, "i cheated and this is my punishment", at a busy intersection, by a shopping mall, near their home in virginia. all week.

the story has gone global with video of him and his sign all over the net. over at huffpo an on-line poll has 57% of the readers laughing at the story. really? laughter is your response to this?

when a married person wanders off the one-and-only path, something is not quite right at home. just a guess here, but i'm thinking that he's been waking up to a petty, vindictive bitch who has no qualms airing her dirty laundry in major public oh, just might scratch the surface of what drove this guy away? yes, he did a bad thing. this makes it better? is she 6 years old?

but he wins pussy of the year award for a) wanting back in and b) not telling her to go fuck herself over this horrible scheme.

people suck. ahem.

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