Thursday, November 01, 2007

the raw and the cooked

one of the ways i often go about these ramblings is a header strikes me and i go from there.

the g.c. and i were much about the animal. the blood, the tears, the shit, the howls. getting to the base, the core -- flaying it open. it was never safe but it's impossible to explain how life-affirming it was, and how fiercely intimate. ever watch your lover shattered on the floor in agony by your own hand and then crawl to you for more? ever see the look in his eyes while he watches you break but writhe back into his arms? it's astounding.

i remember a period one summer when we always seemed to couple during thunder storms. the heavy august sky seemed so often to crash and crack while he grabbed me by the throat or the arms and took me. the air was savage and electric and we were too. strange to feel so connected to the elements on a fluffy duvet. we'd then lie there spent, and i'd just listen to that shushing rain and his beating heart. it was so simple. it was perfect.

now i am again going raw. it's a gradual ripping open and it's terrifying. it's been all stitched up!! no tidy embroidery and silken thread this, much more like sally in "the nightmare before christmas". tight enough to hold in the stuffing and that's all. he wants to reach in there again. i want it too. but common sense advises caution around those who might maul. even when they do it out of love. or ownership. or entitlement. even the whistling kid with the key to the cage and offering bloody steaks and tangerines steps gingerly around that napping brown bear.

we know all roads lead to lunch. maybe now an occasional off-ramp to dinner. out of self-preservation, i'm thinking the first plate will be something braised. dark and meaty, primal, wholly satisfying, but no blood. :)

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