Monday, November 26, 2007

apples and the carts they rode in on

yup. danglers and all.

some more inclined to stargazing might say it's because i'm a libra, but damn i prefer equilibrium. balance. i always hated being in the ferris wheel cart with somebody who just had to make it swing.
the applecart may hit ruts, but why force the jostling?

anybody in that genome project splice some dna from restaurant owners yet? find the code for their specific brand of dickhead? my exposure to other types of owners is limited, so maybe it's more universal than i know.
the week begins TODAY, and i still don't have my schedule. they all need to wring the bejeebus out of their underlings. consecutive days off are not even considered, weeks are 50 hours, (how did i miss that workplace culture memo and when, btw?) and now he's pencilling us all in for 60. we're on camera and punch a clock. he already knows exactly how much and when.

why does my particular niche, the skill-set for which i've been hired, seem to consistently befuddle? "oh, you've fixed it. ok, all set." there seems no comprehension of any organic process or potential. it's not a granite tombstone. oh, wait, lol, i guess it is.

"i know 2 months ago we agreed to this, but yeah, uh, not now." that piled on with the pointy stick e-mail of this morning just make me want to throw apples at him. then the bushel when it's empty. i get a very happy image of those angry trees in the "wizard of oz".

a pragmatic apple-lover reminded me i have to pick the cart i wish to ride. (mind you, this is a man who will only tolerate one variety of apple.) no, i don't prefer the road that's more difficult and we already had the fight about letting me do the thing for which he hired me. will it be a quarterly battle? cuz i hate that and i hate the petty mentality of it. lemme poke her and keep her off-balance. is that a technique that bears fruit with some? ever? there actually are other ways to prevent complacency.

i hate it.

my particular issues with authority can be put aside for just a second, because i have little problem with chain of command. hell, i know i don't want to be in charge and i don't think i'm smarter than him. he's been very successful for a long time -- despite his admitted craptastic people skills. what's at hand is the "because i said so" nonsense that makes owners get woodies. today it's delicious and tomorrow galas. rotten apples, either way.

i really want to try a new pie.

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