Monday, March 21, 2011

burn the witch

Florida Preacher Burns Qu'ran

Evangelical preacher Wayne Sapp yesterday burnt a copy of the Muslim holy book the Quran as controversial pastor Terry Jones looked on in a Florida church, reports the AFP.

Jones drew a storm of controversy last year for his plans to burn copies of the Qur'an on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in New York. The Qur'an burning was presented as an event where the Qur'an was put on trial and convicted of crimes.

The Qur'an was soaked in kerosene for an hour before being set alight while onlookers took pictures.

Jones defended his involvement saying he had attempted to "give the Muslim world an opportunity to defend their book" but received no response.


i've pasted the entire thing here, because there are so many kinds of wrong, i'm too tired to detangle them all. but...

only reason terry jones didn't burn the qu'ran last year was because the car dealer pulled back the free auto offer when shit hit the media fan.

quite sure not one person at this shindig knows that mohammmed, and his followers, recognize jesus as a prophet, right?

quite sure ya can't put an object on trial, right? (ya know, the "guns don't kill people-people kill people" thing?)

and lastly... when a nutjob loony tries to talk to me about his whacko theories, i don't answer either.

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