Monday, April 21, 2008

local colah

a little over 2 years ago, i googled hardware stores in my neighborhood. once cited, it wasn't far away. i poked my head in to find a very fat goombah, sitting in near dark, watching a tiny tv, in a filthy place.

"excuse me, i'm looking for this kind of light bulb." without a glance, he said, "we don't sell light bulbs." lol, ok, so you probably don't really sell anything, but it sucks that i have to take the "t" to buy a paintbrush.

determined to paint today, i went to visit on a lark, thinking maybe they have old tubs of spackle. i just didn't want to travel.

hola!!! viva la brazil!!!!!

the store was still matchbox sized, but all lit up, bursting with inventory and a smiley guy behind the counter. i was happy to pay too much for a paintbrush. yes, he's an owner. yes, his english is terrible. i can't wait to go back.


same trip today, i needed gym socks. there is a store here, even more ghetto than marshall's and tello's. (we have the latter, btw). its windows are so messy, when i first saw it, i thought it was a craft store, not a department store. hellacious mess.

i smelled a smell. awful. "don't be a snob, noodle." but as i neared the sock wall i was nearly choking. i kept hearing the incantation of "mommy, mommy, mommy.... mama... mama..." and the smell got worse. it was unmistakable, and i've never had a kid, ok?

she was on the phone, i'm sure deploying costa rican troops. he was screaming. the smell made my eyes water. in seconds, he pulled off his pants and his diaper. the shit smelled so bad i could only assume he'd eaten another toddler. if he was mature enough for that, um, shouldn't he be toilet-trained?

ok, yeah, yeah. i have no idea. all i know is that he dumped his shitty diaper on the floor and ran away. and i left the store gagging. i still need socks.

the benjamin moore here smells very clean and nice. :)

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